Ant Business Can you hear the ants creeping and crawling? Can you smell when they communicate?Ants actually make a lot of commotion on the planet, and near your feet – so let’s find out what they’re really up to. Ant Business invites children aged 8-12 on a fascinating journey with stories, […]
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Wolf Safari
[:da] Jag som en ulv… Du går alene i augustmørket, du lytter efter andre ulve, og hyler mod himlen for selv at blive hørt. Endelig finder du din flok, og sammen jager I et bytte, igennem byen og natten – som ulve i menneskeskikkelse. Efter 200 års fravær er ulven […]
Read MoreWalking Lecture on Ants
WALKING LECTURE ON ANTS Get in touch with your inner insect and take a walk with your nose close to the ground… Performing arts meets brain- and ants scienCE: An ant experience with talks, walkS, sensory input, taste experiences and soundscapes. With our Walking Lecture on Ants, you will learn about the ants […]
Read MoreFlugtende Fortællinger (parallel/fleeing tales) – storyteller eves
“Flugtende Fortællinger” (Parallel/Fleeing Tales; wordplay in Danish doesn’t easy translate) is a series of story-nights in Aarhus and Mols.With themes such as ‘Tales from East and West’ and “On the way towards a home’ both professional storytellers and participants will listen, share and tell stories and anecdotes from their own lives. Each event takes […]
Read MoreStory telling eves
Stories by the fire place – from Mols and from all the world… Come, sit and listen, when the old farm is filled with pictures and smells of fairy tales from the old days, myths from the ancient sea and local stories from Mols. You will meet storytellers from near […]
Read MoreDinners in the Dark
Oct 21, Nov 11 and Dec 9, Drejs’ Farm i Mols Bjerge Dialogues and sensorial encounters around the table in the eve, inspired by the old, Danish tradition of holding dusk. New acquaintances and preparations for an upcoming performance in one.[:]
Read MoreMy Place UK
dette er excertp på “Mit Sted”
Read MoreB.O.D.Y. – to have or to be
Photos: Malle Madsen og Lene Riggelsen A performance for high school pubils about the body in a cultural, historical and political perspectives. “B.O.D.Y.” is a performance lecture about the concept of the body in cultural and historical contexts.“B.O.D.Y.” is a reflection on shifting bodily norms through cultures and history. The […]
Read MoreDebate Weekend
A dialogue meeting about art, sustainability and landscapesSecret Hotel embarked in 2013 on a several year long journey – Landscape Dialogues – which investigates the intercrossing of participatory performing art, sustainable thinking and landscape, in crossdisciplinary meetings. One such event was our first Debate Weekend which happened in two chapters, […]
Read MoreSensescapes
[:da] I foråret 2015 tilbød Secret Hotel endnu en serie sansevandringer ved Lotus Lykke Skov. Produktionen er en del af Lotus’ færdiggjorte speciale i Æstetik og Kultur, og placerer sig under Secret Hotels flerårige projekt Landscape Dialogues. Vandringerne er eksperimentelle, stedsspecifikke og udføres med én deltager ad gangen. I forbindelse […]
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