Soil & water – the sensuous fundaments for life

EARTHBOUND 2025 er et interdisciplinært symposium, som sammenvæver kunst og videnskab for at skabe nye forestillinger om, hvordan vi som mennesker relaterer til verden. Dette års tema – jord og vand – inviterer deltagerne til at reflektere over vores sanselige relation med elementerne og undersøge feministisk viden i lyset af klimaets nødstilstand.

Som et opbrud med de traditionelle symposie-formater, er EARTHBOUND centreret omkring vidensdeling og samskabelse i ét længerevarende event, som engagerer både intellektet og sanserne.

Programmet består af hovedtalere, workshops, debatter, performanceuddrag, ritualer og delesessioner. Symposiet afholdes på Engelsk.

Læs mere om visionen bag EARTHBOUND her. 


We bring together performing artists, visual artists, musicians, anthropologists, philosophers, researchers of various backgrounds and other people with a holistic approach to or interest in this broad yet essential topic.

Feminist writer, social critic, author of ‘Sensuous Knowledge’ (2020) and MsAfropolitan. Senior Fellow at THE NEW INSTITUTE. Based in London, with a Nigerian-Finnish and Swedish background.

Writer, editor and co-director of The Dark Mountain Project. She also teaches collaborative non-fiction, and radical kinship with the more-than-human world.

Queer visual artist, storyteller, world builder, singer-priestess, public speaker, designer, researcher, educator, writer, and curator. Based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Performance artist, dramaturg, nature terapist and artistic director of Secret Hotel and Earthwise Residency.

Visual artist, art reviewer, curator, cultural manager, political activist and mentor.

– others to be announced.


19/8 Workshop and keynotes at Himmelbjerggården
20/8 Workshop, keynotes and sharing sessions
21/8 Earthbound Symposium – in Aarhus – TBA


Himmelbjerggården: 19 – 20 August

This year the Symposium will be held at Himmelbjerggården, where there is space for 150 day participants of Earthbound.

Himmelbjerggården offers accommodation in single and double rooms. Depending on the participants we will find fitting space for you. It is also possible to stay in tents or shelters at a lower cost. Or you can book your accomodation in Aarhus and we can help you find transportation to Himmelbjerggården.

Aarhus: 21 August

EARTHBOUND offers a day in the city of Aarhus – where we have space for more participants. More info to come.

If you have any questions about Earthbound 2025, please contact

EARTHBOUND 2025 is organised by the performance theatre Secret Hotel in collaboration Earthwise Residency and others.
EARTHBOUND 2025 is supported by: Central Denmark Region, The Danish Arts Foundation, and Earthwise Residency.