[:da]Gæstespil arrangeret i samarbejde med Entré Scenen og koreograferne, produceret af Secret Hotel. Under titlen Via Amsterdam præsenterede vi de to danske koreografer Erik Pold og Anders Schlanbusch – begge uddannet på School of New Dance Development i Amsterdam – med hver en forestilling.
You got the money I got the soul, et Danse Docu Drama af Erik Pold
Solist: Erik Pold
Assistent: Pernille Koch
Chorus: Mette Petersen og Sanna Ölund
Niks Fout = Nothing Wrong af Anders Schlanbusch
Dansere: Nick Bryson, Esther Hinz, Brian Degn
Lyd: Frank Gustafson
Produktion og presse: Christine Fentz[:en]In collaboration with the artists and Entré Scenen, produced by Secret Hotel. Dance Event with the Danish choreographers Erik Pold and Anders Schlanbusch, who both trained at the School of New Dance Development in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
You got the money I got the soul, a Danse Docu Drama by Erik Pold
Soloist: Erik Pold
Assistant: Pernille Koch
Chorus: Mette Petersen and Sanna Ölund
Niks Fout = Nothing Wrong by Anders Schlanbusch
Dancers: Nick Bryson, Esther Hinz, Brian Degn
Sound: Frank Gustafson
Production & press: Christine Fentz[:]