Photos: Maria Petri og Christine Fentz

Tanke Gange – a walking performance in the country side of Mols

The walking performance “Tanke Gange” – or “Think Walk” – takes place around an old farm in the Hills of Mols. The core theme is our relation to idyl, and the idea of the national parc. What does it do to our perception of our surroundings when a new label is applied? What IS this thing ‘nature’ actually?
Each guest walks alone and will encounter the place while also walking in ones own mind and memories. The walk lasts approximately 1 hour.

At the same time, you can also experience the sensorial walk “Sensescapes”.

The walking performance was shown in both 2012 and 2013. In 2012 the local newspaper wrote an article about the pilot on 25th of September, click here to read, p.6. though in Danish.
The pilot was the wrap-up of the research project Nordic Lab.

Nordic Lab and “Tanke Gange” is supported by: The Arts Council of Aarhus County, Region Midt, Danish Arts Council, Weld in Stockholm and Culture House Aarhus.