Photos: Christine Fentz

An interactive performance devised as a hybrid between site specific, performance, installation and promenade theatre.

Aarhus Swimbath, also known as Spanien (Spain) to this day has a derelict and unused third floor, known as the Wholesaler Bath. Thus titled due the predominantly wealthy clientel that frequented the premises many years ago. In this site with its history, atmosphere and peculiar architecture we created a ‘dreamscape’ universe based on two overriding narratives: the body and systems deteriorating. The latter theme was inspired by Christine’s residency in Prague and the official theme for the Aarhus Festival week. The theme for the festival was “Eastern Europe – 10 years after the Wall came down” and Aften Land/The Occident perfomed in the Festival.

Artistic director and director: Christine FentzDramaturge: Synne Behrndt
Per Andreasen, Mette Demuth, Tina Lauritsen, Peter Sloth Madsen, Poul Erik Michaelsen, Christian Schrøder, Leif Bach Sørensen, Ditlev Wolfhagen, Annika B. Lewis, samt Louise Bertelsen og Christine Fentz. Installation artists: Rebecca Eriksson, Glad Fryer, Jette Gejl, Marc Hartnett, Mads Wahlberg
Sound artist: Rod Summers
Stephen Williams
Thomas Bjerregaard og de medvirkende.
Supported by: The Development Fund of the Ministery of Culture, Aarhus Festival Week, Aage & Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, Dansepuljen by Danseværket and the Aarhus Council.